Availability of XP once they stop selling it commercially?



Will businesses still be able to purchase XP? We are a small business
who doesn't have a volume license. We have no plans of moving to
Vista. Will we be able to purchase XP after they stop selling it in

Thee Chicago Wolf

Will businesses still be able to purchase XP? We are a small business
who doesn't have a volume license. We have no plans of moving to
Vista. Will we be able to purchase XP after they stop selling it in

Nope. Buy now or fry later. You can buy OEM copies cheaper but you
won't be able to transfer the license to a new machine like you can
with the retail version.

- Thee Chicago Wolf


Nope. Buy now or fry later. You can buy OEM copies cheaper but you
won't be able to transfer the license to a new machine like you can
with the retail version.

- Thee Chicago Wolf

So when is Microsoft going to stop selling XP?

Shenan Stanley

pez said:
Will businesses still be able to purchase XP? We are a small
business who doesn't have a volume license. We have no plans of
moving to Vista. Will we be able to purchase XP after they stop
selling it in stores?
Nope. Buy now or fry later. You can buy OEM copies cheaper but you
won't be able to transfer the license to a new machine like you can
with the retail version.
So when is Microsoft going to stop selling XP?

Search using Google!
(How-to: http://www.google.com/intl/en/help/basics.html )

Using your words:

Using the same words on www.microsoft.com search brings this up:


pez said:
Will businesses still be able to purchase XP? We are a small business
who doesn't have a volume license. We have no plans of moving to
Vista. Will we be able to purchase XP after they stop selling it in

You can still buy older OS's so why wouldn't you be able to buy this one?

Shenan Stanley

pez said:
Will businesses still be able to purchase XP? We are a small
business who doesn't have a volume license. We have no plans of
moving to Vista. Will we be able to purchase XP after they stop
selling it in stores?
You can still buy older OS's so why wouldn't you be able to buy
this one? Online...

Buy it - yes.
From a *trusted* source that will provide support during and after the
sale - no.

I would assume - given they asked the question in a newsgroup - eBay,
blackmarket, individuals selling their copies, etc is *not* on the OPs mind.
Being a business and asking about it publically means they probably want
legitimate and supported licenses where they can show proof of purchase,
etc. - I could be incorrect.

Thee Chicago Wolf

So when is Microsoft going to stop selling XP?

Since they said it themselves. The last day you can buy retail XP is
June 30th. The extended plan for XP Home on ultra low-cost PCs until
2010 does not count by the way. I believe only OEMs will be keeping it
on life support.

- Thee Chicago Wolf

Dave Cohen

George said:
You can still buy older OS's so why wouldn't you be able to buy this one?
You probably would be able to, but activation might be a problem. AFIK,
this wasn't an issue with previous releases.
I'm hoping my current machine holds up. I use bootitng and set up a
Ubuntu partition. Linux works well, it's a question of what apps you use
and whether using alternative equivalent apps is an option.
Dave Cohen

Colin Barnhorst

Retailers have a grace period in which to exchange product or sell off stock
after which XP will be available in places like eBay.

Colin Barnhorst

Why would activation be a problem? That has absolutely nothing to do with
sales of the product.

MS will continue to support activation of XP long after extended support for
XP ends in 2014.

Shenan Stanley

pez said:
Will businesses still be able to purchase XP? We are a small
business who doesn't have a volume license. We have no plans
of moving to Vista. Will we be able to purchase XP after they
stop selling it in stores?

Thee Chicago Wolf said:
Nope. Buy now or fry later. You can buy OEM copies cheaper but
you won't be able to transfer the license to a new machine like
you can with the retail version.
So when is Microsoft going to stop selling XP?
June 30 is the deadline.

Colin said:
End of June.


How is your answer different than the one you replied to? ;-)

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