Syncme said:
Not sure either but i would think its more different than more complex.
I'd side with Frederic (and indirectly with Kurt, from his comments
in this thread) -- the internal complexity of modern virus detection
(this does not include Clam's engine -- it is decade-plus old technology
puts them amongst the most complex of software development projects.
A further comment I'm surprised Kurt and Frederic did not make here...
The projects "Syncme" offers as examples of the open-source community
with large, presumably rather complex, development projects are examples
products that have grown "organically". Both were started many years
ago --
one, just a few years after the first AV engines were started. They have
many years to develop along with the increasing sophistication and
"expected" of them. However, whilst Linux and Apache are both good
of "state of the art" projects, there status, as such, is largely
dependent on
the fact that both "grew up" with the needs and developing interest in
products. The world (well, important parts of it) was "ready" for a
reliable, Unix-ish, POSIX-ish (maybe) OS when Linux started (well, shortly
thereafter actually and after Linux had developed "enough" to show it
(probably) "had the right stuff". Ditto the "need" for a cheap, reliable
server (recall that although Netscape gave away its browser for personal
education?) use, it charged like a wounded bull for its web _server_)
matched the genesis and early development of Apache.
Antivirus software is quite different. Depending where in the corporate
you are, there has been a strongly felt "need" for AV software for more
a decade; it almost became a critical, "must have" item with the arrival
macro viruses and became essential with the arrival of the mass-mailers.
Open Antivirus, Clam, et al. came late to this party (long after the
had been filled), so would have had to play serious catch-up if they were
become the Linux or Apache of the AV world. Not only have they not played
catch-up, they have hardly developed at all (nor shown much interest in,
inclination to, develop) along the lines obvious to anyone with a few
about how known virus scanning works and what is necessary to have a
reasonably competent, by late-90's standards, scanner.
The reason is (largely) because there are enormous problems, from an open
source perspective, for the potential developer of a new virus detection
engine, to overcome.
Virus wrtiting and Antivirus design is offered as electives in various
And these courses are (with about two or three notable exceptions)
by academics with as much clue about what the antivirus problem is and how
tackle it as the implementors of Open AntiVirus, Clam, etc clearly have.
The virus definitions a certainly available on the net. They are all over
the place along with the viruses.
Excuse me?
You have no idea how modern (i.e. not ClamAV, not OAV) virus detection
engines work, do you?
There is very little "virus definition" information available on the net,
short of reverse engineering a detection engine and its "virus definition"
database, but if you can do that _AND_ get meaningful virus detection
information for your own engine, you would almost certainly have the skill
and knowledge to be able to design your own engine from the ground up.
That's how most av companies get them. All the av companies do is develop
signatures for them for recognition.
Are you confusing "virus samples" with "virus definitions"? I guess if
mindset of virus detection is "grep on steroids" then I can see how you
could make such a naive mistake...
Anyway, there are open source av projects out there.
clamav, clamwin
Perhaps not as popular because possibly people and developers don't know
about them.
And they all suffer basically the same problems (as they are really based
on the same engine).
Using someone else's definitions is out of the question because they
wouldn't give it up to a competitor. How do you explain the 300 or so
av companies out there? I'm quite sure they don't share too much
they are in direct competition. Not all of them are as big as MacAfee and
Symantec. I'm sure that some only consist of a few people that actually
core developers.
We do share samples, all the time. The marketeers won't tell you that,
but the virus analysts at all the major AV companies spend a great deal of
effort developing and maintaining strong trust relationships with other
analysts. This eases sample acquistion between companies...
If there are rouge virus writers can write tiny programs that open
connections on your computer and connect to thousands of other computers
all be controlled remotely and decipher passwords and turn on cameras
drink the beer from your fridge

] while bouncing of an other thousand
computers to make tracing impossible, I'm sure there are people out there
that can write a program that looks for signatures in application and
Ahh yes, you clearly suffer the "virus detection == signature scanning"