autoupdater & scheduler wiped and won't now save



After having PC off for 3 days at Christmas (normally just switch off
overnight) I find that the autoupdater is switched off and even after
re-setting and saving, it defaults back to 'off' after closing the
antispyware window and then re-opening. (The set-up assistant now appears
evrery time I open the window, but even going through this doesn't solve the
problem). The same problem is happening with the schedule scan, although here
additionally the tick-box options go back to the default 'Do not display scan
results' as soon as I hit save. I've thought of uninstalling and
re-installing but that won't explain any reasons, and I would like to know if
this is serious and whether I should do anything else.


Hi Greg,

I have the same problem on my notebook computer. I have uninstalled and
reinstalled several times in hopes of the problem fixing itself. It hasn't
happened. I shall watch for responses from others on your thread.

Warm regards from the Yukon and Happy New Year!


Hello Greg,
Try these two solutions:

You can repair Windows AntiSpyware using Add or Remove Programs in Control
Panel. Click Microsoft AntiSpyware and click Change. Click Next, and then
click Updªte.

Then, try these steps:

1) Open up a command prompt (start -> run -> type in -> command)
2) Type in the following "regsvr32 msvbvm60.dll" (without the quºtes).
3) Close and re-open Windows Defender.

You can go ahead and do both of these--neither has any downside risk--and
see if that does the jºb.

Sometimes, you have to try 2 o 3 times with WD, in order to stick the
selection, try.

Might want to read this:

Subject: bug - always goes to setup assistant
12/19/2005 7:45 AM PST
By: Joel

Let us know whether it does, or nºt!



Thanks Engel,

I tried step 1 (updating in Control Panel) and then opened MSAS to check. It
appears to have worked (my previous settings have reappeared). I assume
'updating' is better/cleaner than reinstalling.

If it goes wrong again I'll try your 2nd suggestion and post the news.


Hi Greg,

No prºblem, thanks for letting us know you was able to remove the problem.


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