Autotext formating



With the old Autotext function you would type the name of the paragraph and
hit enter and the paragraph would placed in the document. I now need to
enter F3 for the paragraph to enter and the names don't always work even
though the paragraphs are isted in the quick parts listing. Have i saves
the paragraphs in the wrong area or doesn't the function work like it use too?

Jay Freedman

With the old Autotext function you would type the name of the paragraph and
hit enter and the paragraph would placed in the document. I now need to
enter F3 for the paragraph to enter and the names don't always work even
though the paragraphs are isted in the quick parts listing. Have i saves
the paragraphs in the wrong area or doesn't the function work like it use too?

The old "hit Enter", which Microsoft called AutoComplete, does not
work in Word 2007. We're hoping it'll make a reappearance in a service
pack, or at least in the next major version. You'll have to retrain
yourself to use F3.

I'm not sure why "the names don't always work" for you. Maybe you
aren't typing enough of the name to be unique. When you hit F3, look
at the status bar at the bottom of the window -- it might tell you
that "the specified text is not a unique building block name". If so,
type more of the name and hit F3 again.

Also, when you're creating new entries and you press Alt+F3, remember
to change the gallery to "AutoText" if you want it to appear in the
proper list.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
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Thanks a lot. I can train myself to hit F3 though enter is easier. I name
my paragraphs with numbers. 100-1 , 120-4, 1000-1, 620-4 ect ect. With the
old word I didn't have any problem just typing the number and hitting enter
or F3. I find that with the numbers that don''t work now if I put a period
after the number when i save them in autotext they will then come up. But i
don't understand why only some require the extra period and not others. Do
you think it could be because the numbers are sequential and that confusses
the program. What I mean is I use 100-1 and 1000-1, 300-1 and 300-11 for
differant paragraphs.

I guess I could put a period after all the numbers but that's increasing my
keystokes wich I was hoping I would be reducing.

Thank for your help


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