Autosave Macro to specific file location

Sep 7, 2009
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Firstly I'm new here and wish to say hello and thanks in advance for any suggestions and help, also I'm a complete novice with VB.

I've set up a autosave macro in excel, that saves texts from various cells in the sheet as the file name. The macro or Vb details are below:

Sub save()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Range("C18").Value & Range("f56").Value & Range("c16").Value & Format(Date, "mmmmddyy")
End Sub

C18 has the project title.
C16 has the supplier name
F56 has the purchase order #

typical saved file name: 5065 commonwealth_1_supplierSeptember0709

I've assigned the macro to a button on the excel sheet, the macro works great but i'm unable to set the folder location of the saved excel document, it normally saves in the folder that someone last saved a document in.

My preferred location for the document is on our O drive on our server (this document will be used by many), the server path is:
O:\1 Current Contracts\Local Purchase Orders

How do make the autosave macro, save the document in this specific folder?

I've looked through some of the other posts but I've been unable to make the suggestions work.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.