autorun.inf to pass wmplayer,filename, AND /fullscreen parameter

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I made a great slideshow using MS photostory 3, output file type 'wmv';
It should normally play on wmplayer.exe on most XP machines.
The following line will run perfectly on my pc from the START, RUN spot:

wmplayer "C:\Documents and Settings\MyPC\My Documents\My
Videos\PhotoStory1_best_trip.wmv" /fullscreen

I want to distribute copies of the CD to people with XP machines and
have an autorun.inf file on the CD to automatically start the 'wmv' slideshow

The autorun.inf I came up with looks like this:

shellexecute="PhotoStory1_best_trip.wmv /fullscreen"

This launches Windows Media Player and the correct file on the CD, but
does not kick in the full screen option.

I have tried different OPEN, SHELLEXECUTE, and even batch file
combinations and cannot get the autorun.inf to function like the RUN

I do not want the end users to have to fumble with or bother with figuring
out how to set the player to fullscreen (while they are also missing the first
minute of the slideshow.)

Any solutions should be for the standard XP SP2 load and should be known
to work for exactly what I am talking about. Thanks :)
Sorry, same result, file launchs okay in media player but not fullscreen.

zachd said:
shellexecute="Photstory1_best_trip.wmv" /fullscreen

(speaking for myself and doing this in my free time)
See for some helpful WMP info.
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TallDude said:
I made a great slideshow using MS photostory 3, output file type 'wmv';
It should normally play on wmplayer.exe on most XP machines.
The following line will run perfectly on my pc from the START, RUN spot:

wmplayer "C:\Documents and Settings\MyPC\My Documents\My
Videos\PhotoStory1_best_trip.wmv" /fullscreen

I want to distribute copies of the CD to people with XP machines and
have an autorun.inf file on the CD to automatically start the 'wmv'

The autorun.inf I came up with looks like this:

shellexecute="PhotoStory1_best_trip.wmv /fullscreen"

This launches Windows Media Player and the correct file on the CD, but
does not kick in the full screen option.

I have tried different OPEN, SHELLEXECUTE, and even batch file
combinations and cannot get the autorun.inf to function like the RUN

I do not want the end users to have to fumble with or bother with figuring
out how to set the player to fullscreen (while they are also missing the
minute of the slideshow.)

Any solutions should be for the standard XP SP2 load and should be known
to work for exactly what I am talking about. Thanks :)
subst z: \
start wmplayer /fullscreen z:\Photstory1_best_trip.wmv
Even though the file will be on the current drive, in the root
path; The only syntax that will work is to add a drive letter to
the statement. Using the old DOS SUBST will make whatever the
drive letter of someones CD drive, be drive Z.
There should be an easier way ...... : )
thank you very much for sharing your valuable result with everyone. we have
got the same problem with you so it has helped us so much.