Using C#, I have a screen that allows the user to enter a ZipCode. When focus
is lost, the field is configured to do an autopostback to make several
calculations and pre-populate several other fields based on the zip code.
Then comes back to allow the user to manually supply any missing information
befire saving it to the database.
This works great, except that should a .NET validator fire, on any other
field on the page, the postback code for the zip field disappears thus will
no longer work. Any ideas?
is lost, the field is configured to do an autopostback to make several
calculations and pre-populate several other fields based on the zip code.
Then comes back to allow the user to manually supply any missing information
befire saving it to the database.
This works great, except that should a .NET validator fire, on any other
field on the page, the postback code for the zip field disappears thus will
no longer work. Any ideas?