autopopulated search



Does anyone know how to clear the history for searches and passwords? For
instance, when I go to, it shows a list of historic searches (I am
pretty sure that this is being controlled by Windows, and not by google).
Any help would be appreciated.


Just a swag, but, would you be using the Google Toolbar??? Short of that,
open Explorer, select Tools, Internet Options and on the General tab, click
on the "Clear History" button. Then, in the Temporary Internet Files
section, click on "Delete Files" and you will get a 'pop-up' window......put
a check in the "Delete all offline content" box and click OK.
Heirloom, old and hope that does it

Ramesh, MS-MVP

To modify your settings for the AutoComplete feature or clear all items from
the list of form or password suggestions, follow these steps in Internet

1.On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
2.Click the Content tab.
3.Click AutoComplete.
4.Click the appropriate AutoComplete check boxes, or click Clear Forms or
Clear Passwords to clear all saved items from the appropriate AutoComplete
5.Click OK, and then click OK.

To clear individual items from the list of form or password suggestions,
click the item in the list of suggestions for that field and then press
DELETE. The AutoComplete list automatically appears when you perform any of
the following actions on a previously populated form:

* Type the first character in the field
* Press the UP or DOWN keys in the field
* Double-click a blank area in the field

How to use the AutoComplete feature in Internet Explorer 5 and 6:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

Does anyone know how to clear the history for searches and passwords? For
instance, when I go to, it shows a list of historic searches (I
pretty sure that this is being controlled by Windows, and not by google).
Any help would be appreciated.

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