autoplay no longer works in dvd/cd rom drives



I'm new here. Maybe I can get some help. Neither one of my dvd rom drives
will autostart when I insert any kind of disk, data or multimedia. I have the
autostart feature enabled in both drives but still no luck. When I do start
an audio cd or dvd movie disk I have to go in and open up the player manually
and select the drive to be used. When the disk is done playing and taken out
of the drive, the disk title still remains on the drive icon in the my
computer window. I am running SP2 and even reinstalled it as Microsoft
suggested to fix the problem but it didn't work. I'm at a loss as to how to
remedy this situation. Can someone please offer a solution....Thank You.


duckhooker2005 said:
I'm new here. Maybe I can get some help. Neither one of my dvd rom
drives will autostart when I insert any kind of disk, data or
multimedia. I have the autostart feature enabled in both drives but
still no luck. When I do start an audio cd or dvd movie disk I have to
go in and open up the player manually and select the drive to be used.
When the disk is done playing and taken out of the drive, the disk
title still remains on the drive icon in the my computer window. I am
running SP2 and even reinstalled it as Microsoft suggested to fix the
problem but it didn't work. I'm at a loss as to how to remedy this
situation. Can someone please offer a solution....Thank You.

Go to MVP Kelly Theriot's website here:

and click on "A". Scroll down to the Autoplay entries.


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