I want to create an Student ID that concantenates parts of
different fields in a table, for example I want
the "H"orner of the last name and the ***-**-"****" of a
social security number and the "**"/"**"/"****" of the
date to look as "H************". Is it possible to
concantinate fields together to create a field which would
be the visible AutoNumber? There will be a hidden
AutNumber as well just for recording purposes.
Thank you,
James R Horner
different fields in a table, for example I want
the "H"orner of the last name and the ***-**-"****" of a
social security number and the "**"/"**"/"****" of the
date to look as "H************". Is it possible to
concantinate fields together to create a field which would
be the visible AutoNumber? There will be a hidden
AutNumber as well just for recording purposes.
Thank you,
James R Horner