autonumber is it possible to link two fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dwlion1987
  • Start date Start date


Hi, Iam trying to do a project for uni and i need to have a letter infront of
the id number that is generated. pls help!

I have 15 unique ids and 3 variables, the 3 variables are to specify if the
game in question, a league, cup or friendly so i need a F,C or L infront of
the id num, all three of the variables are in a list box hope that helps!
If you check Access HELP for "autonumber", or search on-line for "Access"
and "autonumber", you'll find that Microsoft Access does NOT do that for an
Autonumber data type field.

Given that this is a "project for uni", what resources there have you
already tried? For example, other classmates, your instructor, ...?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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