Lets take the last question first, I would prefer the formula solution, as
the date change in all sheets once a date is entered, just rember that the
date can only be changed in 'Sheet1' else your formula will be overwritten,
and no date valus change in other sheets.
Once the macro is working as desired, you do not have to worry about
overwriting formulas.
To insert the macro, open the VBA editor (ALT+F11) > Insert Module > Paste
the macro into the code sheet and run it.
The macro will ask for the three dates to be changed, and loop through all
sheets excluding the sheet named 'NotThisSheet' and change the dates.
Sub ReplaceDates()
Dim pSlip As Date
Dim StartPeriod As Date
Dim EndPeriod As Date
pSlip = InputBox("Enter Payslip date", "Change Dates")
StartPeriod = InputBox("Enter Payment Period Start", "Change Dates")
EndPeriod = InputBox("Enter Payment Period End", "Change Dates")
For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
If sh.Name <> "NotThisSheet" and sh.Name <>"ExcludeThisSheet" Then
'Remove if no sheets are to be excluded
With sh
.Range("D6") = pSlip
.Range("D7") = StartPeriod
.Range("E7") = EndPeriod
End With
End If 'Remove if no sheets are to be excluded
End Sub