Automation remote saveing help needed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kelvin Thomson
  • Start date Start date

Kelvin Thomson


Im trying to create a kind of price server in a central
location on my netrwork as an Excel Sheet (Master) that i
need updated from a few other identical looking sheets

Basically, i can get the info from the remote sheet(s) to
the Master sheet, of which i have enabled the 'Share
Workbook' function.

My problem also i can use and change the info on the
Master Sheet - the only way i can visually see the info on
the Master sheet is if I physically save it at its pc
location. This is no good to me.

I need the Master worksheet to save everytime I change a
figure on it and not just regular 5 minute intervals (the
smallest interval setting there is).

Ive tried to send the code remotely but that doesnt seem
to help.

Here is the code that i am using to connect with:

Dim ExlMaster As Excel.Application

Set ExlMaster = New Excel.Application
With ExlMaster
.Workbooks.Open Filename:="\\Kobra\Forwards Excel
Master\Master.xls", Editable:=True
End With


Set ExlMaster = Nothing

With this i can change all sorts of things and update the
Master - but it only reflects the changes on the Master
sheet itself is i manually press save in its workstation.

If you can offer any suggestions i would be most grateful!

