I have managed to automate the inclusion of the framework and SP into my
installs but have hit a brick wall on being able to switch on the
Programmabilty support for office applications without simply launching the
Office setup and requesting the user make the changes manually.
Is there any way that I can seemlessly enable the .net Programability with
code? The company have included Office 2003 in our standard load but did not
include the framework. So, as I'm installing the framework after office
employees don't have the option enabled. Can anyone tell me how to automate
the switch? Would be nice if there was a Merge Module but I suspect there
I have managed to automate the inclusion of the framework and SP into my
installs but have hit a brick wall on being able to switch on the
Programmabilty support for office applications without simply launching the
Office setup and requesting the user make the changes manually.
Is there any way that I can seemlessly enable the .net Programability with
code? The company have included Office 2003 in our standard load but did not
include the framework. So, as I'm installing the framework after office
employees don't have the option enabled. Can anyone tell me how to automate
the switch? Would be nice if there was a Merge Module but I suspect there