I have a shared workbook that was working for quite some time however it is
now popping up with this error message upon opening. in reading the help
message, it is indicating that an error has occured while executing a method
or getting or setting a property of an object variable.
Since the only thing I had upon start was a userform to load, would or could
this be it? could it be a problem with the sharing option? I am stuck and
also this is the second occurence for me...not on the same file but similar
in the sense it was shared.
now popping up with this error message upon opening. in reading the help
message, it is indicating that an error has occured while executing a method
or getting or setting a property of an object variable.
Since the only thing I had upon start was a userform to load, would or could
this be it? could it be a problem with the sharing option? I am stuck and
also this is the second occurence for me...not on the same file but similar
in the sense it was shared.