Automating PDF output

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Is there a way to automate the naming of .pdf output in VBA using Cute
PDFWriter (or some other PDF-creation package) so that it can create the
PDF's non-interactively (i.e. using VBA to push the file name to the printer
After extensive research, I learned there are VBA programs/modules available
for a fee, that other people have created, which will do this. When I posted
questions about the same thing on these forums, the only responses I received
were links to these VBA programs/modules. Unfortunately, I can't use these,
because the corporate security policies where I work prohibit me from
downloading and/or installing anything that isn't on the "approved" list. I
had to get special permission to install the driver for a trackball mouse to
relieve strain on my wrist and arm!

The solution on my site you were pointed to was created to work in
environments where IT has the system locked down. No PDF printer driver to
install. No ActiveX controls to register. No References required to be set
in VBA. You can simply copy the 2 DLL's into the same folder as your MDB.

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
I also work in a very restrictive corporate environment. I was able to
convince the network admins that there wasn't anything else available. I
print hundreds of POs per day as separate PDFs and email them to hundreds of
vendors. Everything is automated and I loop through a list using a header
file, then also have a detail file which is a subreport. Additionallly,
after creating the PDF I merge it with 2 other already created PDF files. I
use the following programs:

Win2PDF - $35 (or less in quantity)
This is, without any doubt, the very fastest PDF creator in existance. I
wouldn't use anything else, if given a choice.

PDF and Mail Class Library for Access - $99
This is delivered as an MDE file and a DLL. You simply register the dll and
set a reference to the MDE file. This code (which has been aound for about 8
or 9 years now) is continually being enhanced by its creator, Steve Arbaugh,
an Access MVP for at least that many years. The class exposes the report and
PDF objects and allows you to work with multiple versions of Outlook,
Outlook Express, or CDO.

Foxit reader - Free
This PDF reader runs rings around the Adobe reader. It loads itself and a
PDF file in under a second, which is at least 5 times faster than the
fastest Adobe reader with all the plug-ins stripped out.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads
I don't know how to make myself any more clear on this issue. I am not
allowed to download ANYTHING. Yes, in some cases, I might be able to go
download something and install it. But if IT sees it (and they will
eventually, believe me), then I will be out the door so fast it will make
your head swim.

I work for a bank owned by a bank holding corporation, and they are very
paranoid about security here. That is why we are only allowed to have what is
on the approved list of software, no exceptions. If I want to accomplish
something in VBA, I have to write the code myself if I want to keep my job.

Gwen H said:
I don't know how to make myself any more clear on this issue. I am not
allowed to download ANYTHING. Yes, in some cases, I might be able to go
download something and install it. But if IT sees it (and they will
eventually, believe me), then I will be out the door so fast it will make
your head swim.

I work for a bank owned by a bank holding corporation, and they are very
paranoid about security here. That is why we are only allowed to have what is
on the approved list of software, no exceptions. If I want to accomplish
something in VBA, I have to write the code myself if I want to keep my job.

Sometimes you're just SOL. Your goals and your restricted environment are in
direct conflict on this point. It's not uncommon as a developer that you
sometimes just have to tell a user that what they want cannot practically be
accomplished. Looks like you have encountered such a situation.
Gwen H said:
I don't know how to make myself any more clear on this issue. I am not
allowed to download ANYTHING. Yes, in some cases, I might be able to go
download something and install it. But if IT sees it (and they will
eventually, believe me), then I will be out the door so fast it will make
your head swim.

I work for a bank owned by a bank holding corporation, and they are very
paranoid about security here. That is why we are only allowed to have what is
on the approved list of software, no exceptions. If I want to accomplish
something in VBA, I have to write the code myself if I want to keep my

The programs that you need are difficult to write without special experience
in that area. It takes quite a bit of time to gain that experience, and
quite a bit more to develop a bug free solution. Some, if not most, of the
solutions require writing code in VB or C++ to create a dll. You just can't
write those in VBA.

As far as security goes, it is a relative thing, not an absolute. Everything
can be cracked if there is enough resources applied.

IT must have some method of approving software that's not on their list. I
agree that security is important, but so is getting the job done. If there
isn't any other way, IT must rely on your experience and/or test it
themselves. If they can't do that they are useless to the bank.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads