Mark Gross
I am attempting to programatically drive a Lotus Notes web application
from a VB.NET database application (who wants to rekey information in
one database into someone else's web page for entry to theirs?). I am
using the System.Net.WebClient to communicate with the LotusNotes
server. It is not clear if I should be instantiating a new object for
each communication, or persisting the initial one.
based on the input values in the web page,
<INPUT NAME="Name" VALUE="" ...
<INPUT NAME="Password" VALUE="" ...
I have established the following code:
Dim myNameValueCollection As New
myNameValueCollection.Add("Name", txtMyUserName.Text)
Dim uriString as String = "/names.nsf?Login"
Dim myWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient
' Upload the NameValueCollection.
Dim responseArray As Byte() =
myWebClient.UploadValues(uriString, "POST", myNameValueCollection)
The application web page contains
<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/names.nsf?Login"
When I run this, the response I get is a return of the login web page
(ie: login failed), so I assume I'm missing something.
Any suggestions?
Mark Gross (e-mail address removed)
PS: This application used to be run using 3270 terminal emulation screen
scraping in VB6. Now that the mainframe folks are moving to web based
applications, I have to migrate with them because they still won't allow
flat file submissions... some things haven't changed all that much.
from a VB.NET database application (who wants to rekey information in
one database into someone else's web page for entry to theirs?). I am
using the System.Net.WebClient to communicate with the LotusNotes
server. It is not clear if I should be instantiating a new object for
each communication, or persisting the initial one.
based on the input values in the web page,
<INPUT NAME="Name" VALUE="" ...
<INPUT NAME="Password" VALUE="" ...
I have established the following code:
Dim myNameValueCollection As New
myNameValueCollection.Add("Name", txtMyUserName.Text)
Dim uriString as String = "/names.nsf?Login"
Dim myWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient
' Upload the NameValueCollection.
Dim responseArray As Byte() =
myWebClient.UploadValues(uriString, "POST", myNameValueCollection)
The application web page contains
<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/names.nsf?Login"
When I run this, the response I get is a return of the login web page
(ie: login failed), so I assume I'm missing something.
Any suggestions?
Mark Gross (e-mail address removed)
PS: This application used to be run using 3270 terminal emulation screen
scraping in VB6. Now that the mainframe folks are moving to web based
applications, I have to migrate with them because they still won't allow
flat file submissions... some things haven't changed all that much.