Hi all
This is my first post on these forums and I'm sorry if there's an
obvious answer but I've trawled the help searches and the closest I've
come to a solution is the 'paste special' facility mentioned in a
previous post on this forum.
The problem is a spreadsheet set up for petty cash entries. Sheet 1 is
an overall record of expenditure. Each team member has their own
worksheet. What we want to do is to make excel automatically take
data entered for each specific team member, and copy it to their
respective worksheet. The data to be copied is all in the same row.
There is a column on Sheet1 for -'NAME'- which could be used as a
keyword to specify which sheet the data should be copied to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as we're kinda stuck on this.
This is my first post on these forums and I'm sorry if there's an
obvious answer but I've trawled the help searches and the closest I've
come to a solution is the 'paste special' facility mentioned in a
previous post on this forum.
The problem is a spreadsheet set up for petty cash entries. Sheet 1 is
an overall record of expenditure. Each team member has their own
worksheet. What we want to do is to make excel automatically take
data entered for each specific team member, and copy it to their
respective worksheet. The data to be copied is all in the same row.
There is a column on Sheet1 for -'NAME'- which could be used as a
keyword to specify which sheet the data should be copied to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as we're kinda stuck on this.