I am working on a project for my department that involves looking at
student rosters, checking what classes each student is registered for
and then recording how many classes they are registered for during:
M-F during the day (D)
M-Th during the evening (E)
Friday evening (F)
Saturday (S)
Sunday (U)
And then how many credits they are taking in each of those periods.
I now have 3 spread sheets I am working with
One will contain all of my final information
One contains the student's classes they are registered for (via our
code for the class)
The third is a list of all of the info on each class (sorted by codes)
In the third sheet (the Class list) I have created a formula that has
given me what time period each class falls under (D, E, F, S, U).
What I now need is a formula for my student spread sheet. What I want
it to do is:
Look at the Cell to the left of it (this will either be blank or
contain a code)
Identify that code on the sheet that has my class list (for ease of
refference I have just made a second worksheet named CLASS, so
refferencing it is done via CLASS! I know).
Pull out the letter code (sitting in the cell to the Right) and that
would be result of the formula.
My main problems are:
1) I don't know how to have a formula seach through a list for
something specific.
2) Refference something that is one column over (B-1 = A? A+1 = B?)
Once I understand these things I should be able to automate what
aparently was done by hand before
Thank you for your time and help.
student rosters, checking what classes each student is registered for
and then recording how many classes they are registered for during:
M-F during the day (D)
M-Th during the evening (E)
Friday evening (F)
Saturday (S)
Sunday (U)
And then how many credits they are taking in each of those periods.
I now have 3 spread sheets I am working with
One will contain all of my final information
One contains the student's classes they are registered for (via our
code for the class)
The third is a list of all of the info on each class (sorted by codes)
In the third sheet (the Class list) I have created a formula that has
given me what time period each class falls under (D, E, F, S, U).
What I now need is a formula for my student spread sheet. What I want
it to do is:
Look at the Cell to the left of it (this will either be blank or
contain a code)
Identify that code on the sheet that has my class list (for ease of
refference I have just made a second worksheet named CLASS, so
refferencing it is done via CLASS! I know).
Pull out the letter code (sitting in the cell to the Right) and that
would be result of the formula.
My main problems are:
1) I don't know how to have a formula seach through a list for
something specific.
2) Refference something that is one column over (B-1 = A? A+1 = B?)
Once I understand these things I should be able to automate what
aparently was done by hand before

Thank you for your time and help.