Edele Soriano
After much time by me and assistance by people in this
newsgroup, I am
almost finished what I confidently expect to be the only
chart I'll ever
produce in my lifetime. Only one matter remains to be
done, if possible.
The chart displays six simple columns and three stacked
ones. I've arranged
the columns so that the seven columns on the right,
whether simple or
stacked, are shown in ascending order of value from left
to right. I've
arranged the three stacked columns so that the stack with
the biggest value
is at the bottom of each column and the values of the
stacks decrease as one
moves up the column.
Is there any way to have the chart automatically
rearrange itself in the
above fashion if a change in value of either a stack, an
entire column or
both warrants it?
If there is, will it still work if there's displayed
above each column the
value data label of an invisible stack equal in value to
the value of the
entire visible column?
newsgroup, I am
almost finished what I confidently expect to be the only
chart I'll ever
produce in my lifetime. Only one matter remains to be
done, if possible.
The chart displays six simple columns and three stacked
ones. I've arranged
the columns so that the seven columns on the right,
whether simple or
stacked, are shown in ascending order of value from left
to right. I've
arranged the three stacked columns so that the stack with
the biggest value
is at the bottom of each column and the values of the
stacks decrease as one
moves up the column.
Is there any way to have the chart automatically
rearrange itself in the
above fashion if a change in value of either a stack, an
entire column or
both warrants it?
If there is, will it still work if there's displayed
above each column the
value data label of an invisible stack equal in value to
the value of the
entire visible column?