Excel automatically updating hyperlinks in Excel

Apr 20, 2006
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I have a database in excel that has hyperlinks to each document. The problem i have is that i need to move the documents to a new folder, therefore rendering the hyperlinks useless. I have over 1000 hyperlinks that needs to be updated.

what i need to do is the change the current hyperlink to insert the name of the new folder that these documents are to be placed in.

c:\01 management........
needs to become
c:\Registered folders\01 Management........

Is there a way of adding the name Registered folders to the path of the hyperlinks for every document automatically, as doing this manually will be too time consuming.

any help is greatly appreciated.


ive taken a look through the above site and can't find anything that answers my question.

thanks for the info though.

Might this help

If it's in Excel, you could just place this formula in another column (EG below assumes your hyperlinks in col A), copy down your 1000 cells and paste the results over the original as values.

="c:\Registered folders\"&RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-3)
ljones60 said:
c:\01 management........
needs to become
c:\Registered folders\01 Management........
Use the Find and Replace feature in Excel. Edit > Replace (I think - I don't have Excel here at home). Look for 01 Management Replace with Registered folders\01 Management. Once you try it on one cell and are confident that the final syntax is correct so that it points to the right path, just click on Replace all.

Should work ;) I've never tried editing a Hyperlink this way in Excel but I can't see why it wouldn't work.

EDIT: Rush's suggestion above is another excellent way :thumb:
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