Christyr said:
Is it possible to automatically reject a meeting request if it overlaps a
currently scheduled meeting? I use Outlook 2007.
You never have to reschedule a meeting based on new criteria? Say you
have a weekly meeting planned to discuss work progress with your
coworkers. However, your boss wants a meeting to discuss changes in the
schedule or priority changes in what projects your group will work on,
or the CEO announces a meeting with your department. You don't think
their meetings have priority over some measly coworker "What'd you get
done this week?" meeting to update your progress report?
Have you asked your boss or management if you are permitted to
automatically discard their meeting requests? When you told you boss
what you intend to do, how did he take it? Yeah, didn't ask him yet,
did you?
Rules and alerts, New Rule, Start from blank, Next, and add the "which
is a meeting invitation or update" clause to your rule. Even if you are
the top-dog at your company, be prepared to respond to your department
managers as to why you ignored their higher-priority meeting that
impacts the company's revenue.