Most all of my emails on the account I want to do this on are work responses from contractors, requests from other agencies reports etc. I would like them stored on my calendar so I only
have to look in 1 place on my computer or blackberry to find them, but more
importantly can show them relationally to other things that were done the
same day...
Example. A contractor emails a request for a fire alarm inspection at
8:00AM. The inspection is completed at 12:00 the next day. The contractor
complains that it took too long to get an inspection. Using only my calendar
I can see/show his request vs. inspection in relation to everything else that
had to be done in that period of time.
Example 2. I receive via email, all incidents that the fire departments are
dispatched to in my jurisdiction. Again, using only my calendar, I can
see/show when these incidents took place, what else was going on in that time
frame, determine any patterns in the times the incidents are happening and
create a timeline of the incidents.
Thanks again for any input on this and Happy New Year.