automatically input data into SAP R3 from Excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Valeria
  • Start date Start date


Dear experts,
I have a lot of data to input into SAP R3 from Excel and I was wondering if
it is possible to do this automatically. i used to do it with the previous
version of SAP, but with the new one I am not even able to connect VBA to SAP
with a macro... I have been looking at other posts and particularly at
but unfortunately the macro there does not work in my case ("ActiveX
components can't create object" is the error message I get at the line Set R3
= CreateObject("RFC.ServerObject"))

How to connect VBA and SAP R3?

Many thanks for your help
Best regards,
Step A:
Ensure you have admin access in your laptop OR desktop where you are executing this vbscript (.vbs file)
Step B:
Run a cleanup of your laptop using ccleaner from - so that there is no junk & no junk or old
OLE's and OCX and/or any other obsolete api/registry entries being accessed.
Step C:
If you are using windows 7 or higher you can execute your script as below:
a. Click on start > Run
b. Cmd.exe - you will see it and then right click and run as admin. click ok to and you will be in command prompt.
Now the key is to locate the Wscript for windows 7 :
Answer: It exists in c:\windows\syswow64 folder
c. Now type the following command:
c:\windows\syswow64\wscript c:\users\<nt id>\documents\vbscripts\<scriptname>.vbs

Expected Result: Your 'ActiveX error should now be gone' and you should be able to run your script.

Let me know if you get the error, if yes - please send me the full script and i will debug the same for you
and update your script?.

Thanks & good luck.