Am Thu, 3 Nov 2005 12:50:14 -0800 schrieb chieko:
It´s possible. The MailItem object provides you with an Reply event. For
being able to track every MailItem that could be replied to you need an
Explorer wrapper ( and an
Inspector wrapper
Once you have set up that you can catch the Reply button event. Here´s a
sample of how to get a reference on the Reply button for an opened
' Storing the button ref in this member enables you to receive its events.
Private WithEvents ReplyButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Private Sub SampleHowToGetTheRef()
Set ReplyButton = Application.ActiveInspector.CommandBars.FindControl(,
End Sub
Private Sub ReplyButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton,
CancelDefault As Boolean)
' This event fires if the button is clicked
End Sub