automatically Debug.WriteLine whenever function or event is triggered

  • Thread starter Thread starter thomasamillergoogle
  • Start date Start date


I have hundreds of events/functions in my windows app. now they look
like this

private void muHowlNow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("HowlNow was clicked");
this.Label1.Text = "wow";
//do some stuff
I am tired of having to put Debug.WriteLine("HowlNow was clicked");
every time. Is there a way (through reflection or some other magic) to
have it Debug.Writeline the function name automatically?

This will make life easier, and also when I obfuscate my code later it
will make it more difficult for a cracker to understand.
// create the stack frame for the function that called this function
StackFrame sf = new StackFrame( 1, true );

// save the method name
string methodName = sf.GetMethod().ToString();

// save the file name
string fileName = sf.GetFileName();

// save the line number
int lineNumber = sf.GetFileLineNumber();
