Automatic updating

  • Thread starter Thread starter Clueless
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I am trying to work on a small program to track infection
control. I have three tables right now. EmployeeInfo,
HepatitisShots and TBShots. I want to be able to put the
employee information into EmployeeInfo and these names
and employee nos. automatically put into both the other
tables. And as far as primary keys go, would it be best
to make the EmployeeNo the primary key in all three
tables? I've used access for basic stuff in the past but
nothing beyond that. I'm trying to learn but if someone
could just give me a starting point, I'd be grateful.

I am trying to work on a small program to track infection
control. I have three tables right now. EmployeeInfo,
HepatitisShots and TBShots.

This seems a little bit wrong: the entities naturally seem to be Employees
and Shots, unless TBShots are significantly different from HepatitisShots
(the * means the primary key, and + is a foreign key):-

Employees(*EmpID, FullName, Address, DoBirth, Ethic, etc)

Shots(*EmpID+, *Antigen, *DateGiven, BatchNo, GivenBy, Consent, etc)

On the other hand you may need

BCGShots(*EmpID+, DateHeaf, HeafReactionGrade, DateBCG, GivenBy, etc)

HepBTest(*EmpID+, DateTaken, AntibodyPresent, PatientInformed, etc)

if the generic Shots table is not enough for a specific immunisation or
follow up blood test.
