Justin Brown - SYNACS
When Automatic Updates finishes downloading its updates, if you opt to
shut down without running the updates, Windows is configured to (by
default) install those updates as another in a long line of stages in
that shutdown process. I realize there's a way to turn that behavior
off, but instead of disabling that function I would like to enhance
it. The way it works now is instead of names, you just see numbers,
and not even KB update numbers, just a dumb chronology. Update 1 of 8
is being installed; Update 2 of 8 is being installed, etcetra. Can you
spell useless?
Is there a way to have windows actually include the name of the
updates as they're being run? Some kind of a registry hack or obscure
GUI setting?
Definition update for Windows Defender [150KB] is not quite the same
update as Service Pack 3 for Office 2003 [150MB or WHAT EVER IT IS],
and if I know which of those two updates is installing I am a much
happier person. Can you sense the frustration with this deal? Does
anybody else actually care about what is arguably a design flaw and
about why I got home from work late on Friday because I couldn't just
wedge my laptop into its bag and leave? Thank you, and good day.
shut down without running the updates, Windows is configured to (by
default) install those updates as another in a long line of stages in
that shutdown process. I realize there's a way to turn that behavior
off, but instead of disabling that function I would like to enhance
it. The way it works now is instead of names, you just see numbers,
and not even KB update numbers, just a dumb chronology. Update 1 of 8
is being installed; Update 2 of 8 is being installed, etcetra. Can you
spell useless?
Is there a way to have windows actually include the name of the
updates as they're being run? Some kind of a registry hack or obscure
GUI setting?
Definition update for Windows Defender [150KB] is not quite the same
update as Service Pack 3 for Office 2003 [150MB or WHAT EVER IT IS],
and if I know which of those two updates is installing I am a much
happier person. Can you sense the frustration with this deal? Does
anybody else actually care about what is arguably a design flaw and
about why I got home from work late on Friday because I couldn't just
wedge my laptop into its bag and leave? Thank you, and good day.