Kenny wrote
How do I get rid of this from System Tray and the balloon telling
me it's turned off.
I know it is, I turned updates off and don't want continuously
Kenny wrote
It's OK, found it on Black Viper site.
joel.sabourin said:
Would you mind sharing the link please ?!!
To turn off notifications from the Security Center...
Control Panel --> Security Center --> Change the Way Security Center Alerts
me (left side...) and uncheck/check as appropriate and OK your way out.
As for the link... If you have as much information as was given, you should
be able to find it yourself... You've got what they were looking for and
the NAME of the site they supposedly found their answer on. Google is your
best friend when it comes to finding information. You should know about
it - you are using GMAIL. ;-)
Search using Google!
(How-to: )
I would have gone to Google ( and done a search for:
"Black Viper" automatic updates icon turn off "Windows XP"
The results:"Black+Viper"+automatic+updates+icon+turn+off
The same method is not given. In fact - only in an ARCHIVED posting in
google (cached) does Black Viper seem to recommend turning off Automatic
Updates in Windows XP. My suggestion to you - at least set it to Notify
(but do not download or install)...