Automatic Updates disabled



I want to enable the Automatic Windows Updates feature
and cannot. I am logged on as the Administrator. I go
to Control Panel and System and everything in the
Automatic Updates tab is grayed and cannnot be changed.
It says "Windows Update Service is Unavailable". How do
I go about getting this changed. I am the only person
using this computer and want the auto update feature
enabled. It's been like this since I got the computer
new 2 years ago. I'm thinking the tech at the store
where I purchased it who set up the computer for me may
have disabled that feature during the set up.
I'm using Windows XP Home Edition Version5.1.2600 Service
Pack 1 Build 2600. I am comfortable going into the
registry if need be, but I need directions on where to
look and what needs to be changed.
Appreciate any help. Thanks
(e-mail address removed)


Go to control panel. Performance and maintenance. System link. In system properties, auto. updates. that tab in the back. HTH, Ji

----- Katie wrote: ----

I want to enable the Automatic Windows Updates feature
and cannot. I am logged on as the Administrator. I go
to Control Panel and System and everything in the
Automatic Updates tab is grayed and cannnot be changed.
It says "Windows Update Service is Unavailable". How do
I go about getting this changed. I am the only person
using this computer and want the auto update feature
enabled. It's been like this since I got the computer
new 2 years ago. I'm thinking the tech at the store
where I purchased it who set up the computer for me may
have disabled that feature during the set up.
I'm using Windows XP Home Edition Version5.1.2600 Service
Pack 1 Build 2600. I am comfortable going into the
registry if need be, but I need directions on where to
look and what needs to be changed.
Appreciate any help. Thank
(e-mail address removed)


link doesn't work...
just go to the windows update site and click on the right
upper corner at "protect your PC" this will enable the
auto update and restore the greyed boxes.


THANK YOU!!! It worked and the feature is now enabled.
Appreciate the help.

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