In two separate instances and locations, I have now run into the same
problem with Windows XP machines. I'm inclined to think that it is
because of something that is incompatible with the latest round of
"patch Tuesday" updates, but I cannot be sure. It seems almost virus-
like in the damage that it has done, so I need to narrow it down.
Here is the issue: a Windows XP Pro machine in a Windows Server 2003
Domain cannot access network resources, surf the internet, etc. The
only common programs between the two machines are Symantec Antivirus
Corporate Edition.
When I go to Command Line and try "ipconfig" I get the following
message: "Windows IP Configuration An internal error occurred: The
request is not supported. Please contact Microsoft Product Support
Services for further help. Additional information: Unable to query
host name."
If I "ping localhost" I get "Unable to contact IP driver, error code
I have attempted "netdiag /test:winsock /v" and received the message:
"Failed to get information for a network adapter. The error occurred
was: The pipe is being closed (232)[FATAL] Cannot find TCP/IP
configuration from the registry".
I have removed and re-installed the TCPIP protocol using the
instructions from the Microsoft KB. I have run "sfc /scannow"
I have checked "msinfo32" under Components, Network, Protocol and seen
nothing out of place.
I have run "netsh winsock reset", "netsh winsock reset catalog",
"netsh int ip reset c:\ip_reset.txt" with reboots inbetween each
command. I have run LSPfix and WinsockXPfix to see if there are any
issues to no avail.
I reloaded one machine and it worked, but I'm running out of attempts
to fix this issue. Any help would be appreciated.
problem with Windows XP machines. I'm inclined to think that it is
because of something that is incompatible with the latest round of
"patch Tuesday" updates, but I cannot be sure. It seems almost virus-
like in the damage that it has done, so I need to narrow it down.
Here is the issue: a Windows XP Pro machine in a Windows Server 2003
Domain cannot access network resources, surf the internet, etc. The
only common programs between the two machines are Symantec Antivirus
Corporate Edition.
When I go to Command Line and try "ipconfig" I get the following
message: "Windows IP Configuration An internal error occurred: The
request is not supported. Please contact Microsoft Product Support
Services for further help. Additional information: Unable to query
host name."
If I "ping localhost" I get "Unable to contact IP driver, error code
I have attempted "netdiag /test:winsock /v" and received the message:
"Failed to get information for a network adapter. The error occurred
was: The pipe is being closed (232)[FATAL] Cannot find TCP/IP
configuration from the registry".
I have removed and re-installed the TCPIP protocol using the
instructions from the Microsoft KB. I have run "sfc /scannow"
I have checked "msinfo32" under Components, Network, Protocol and seen
nothing out of place.
I have run "netsh winsock reset", "netsh winsock reset catalog",
"netsh int ip reset c:\ip_reset.txt" with reboots inbetween each
command. I have run LSPfix and WinsockXPfix to see if there are any
issues to no avail.
I reloaded one machine and it worked, but I'm running out of attempts
to fix this issue. Any help would be appreciated.