Automatic Update Settings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Blackmore
  • Start date Start date

Ben Blackmore


I've finally gotten our auto update server working. But one thing I have
found, is that if you set the install option in the group policy to option
3, (auto download, notify to install) then change to option 4 (auto download
& auto install) after letting option 2 run on a PC, so it has downloaded the
updates, but not installed them, option 4 is not applied, so it will not
auto install them for you.
I found this when I setup our 1st test PC, I set option 2, so I could see it
working, and be notified that it had done its thing. I then decided to test
option 4, rebooted the PC, logged in, but it didn't auto install the
Is there anyway to change this?


No its not, stop talking out your arse!
In fact after speaking to a few MSCPs and MVPs they say you should CC the
posts to related newsgroups then everyone can read the posts, and help
everyone else out!
Next time mind your own business!
OK I have Auto Update running this morning on 10 PCs, it downloaded the
updates from the server, then at 9am it was scheduled to install them.
However it pops up with the question "Do you want to install the updates
now?" Is there anyway to stop this? We don't want to give our users the
option of saying 'No'.
Also when it's installed the updates it asks if you want to reboot or
postpone, is there anyway to force this to 'No', most of our users will be
working, and won't want to be interrupted with a reboot!


What I have found works best (at least on my network) is to make sure
everyone leaves their computer on over night. Then you can automatically
configure the install to take place int he middle of the night when no one
is there; say 3:00 AM. Configure the reboot to be automatic. That works
rather well for our desktop users. The laptop users still have to reboot in
the morning (as we do not recomend them to leave their laptop on).

The only problem I have with the automatic updates is I have a few computers
that seem to be 'stuck' in auto-reboot mode. That being they reboot
themselves every other day or so. Has anyone had this happen and if so did
you find a solution to it?
