-----Original Message-----
Can you please tell me how I can get an automatic update
prompt for windows xp?
I am guessing you have probably done the process in this
If so, you can either try loading the WUAU22.msi install
from Microsoft. This will load the latest Windows Update
Client and should turn on Automatic Updating, or you can
use a reg key to turn on and point to a specific update
server, here is an example:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
in the WUServer and WUStatusServer lines insert your
update server's name or the micorsoft update server's name
from windowsupdate.microsoft.com. Copy and paste the
above text into an empty text file and save it as a .reg
file. Double click on it and it will import this key into
your registry. The ScheduledInstall Day, Time,
usesWuserver and NoAutoReboot are in Binary format.
Download the WindowsUpdate Services White papers for
details. Hope this helps.
Rondey Sheffield
Network Administrator