Chris Watts
Is there a way to get a slide to advance a defined time after a custom
animation has finished? Using a timed slide transition won't work for what
I want to achieve.
The way that was thinking was to have an invisible frame appear (using
custom animation) and when it does automatically run a macro that contains
slide advance code. But is there a way to run a macro when an object such
as a frame appears on a slide (i.e. without mouse click or mouse over)?
PPT2007. Slide View Mode.
animation has finished? Using a timed slide transition won't work for what
I want to achieve.
The way that was thinking was to have an invisible frame appear (using
custom animation) and when it does automatically run a macro that contains
slide advance code. But is there a way to run a macro when an object such
as a frame appears on a slide (i.e. without mouse click or mouse over)?
PPT2007. Slide View Mode.