A shortcut The following file could place into the Startup folder and each
time the system starts a restore point will be created. Be aware the if
the system is restarted multiple time a date a new restore point will be
created. If this is the case you my want to remove the shortcut before
Single click System Restore Point - By Doug Knox MVP:
You could also adjust the frequency at which restore points are created
each day. Say the system is on eight hours a day, then the frequency could
be set to just under eight hours. But this would not guarantee a restore
point would be created a startup.
Windows Tweaks & Tips - Bill James, Microsoft MVP:
A utility to change the frequency WinXP System Restore creates Restore
A utility to change the number of days WinXP System Restore maintains
Restore Points.
Bert Kinney [MS-MVP DTS]
Hello all. Is there a way to set System Restore to
auatomatically create a restore point at every bootup? I
turn on the system each morning and would like to create
a restore point at that time, but have to do it manually.
Some kind of automation in this would be helpful. Thanks.