Teranews said:
forgot to mention that I am using IE
Just create a simple HTML page on your computer and use the "META refresh" tag. Something like, create 2 new html pages with the following names and html code.
*** Create "auto-refesh.html" with the following code:
<TITLE>Auto Refresh</TITLE>
<FRAMESET border=0 frameSpacing=0 frameBorder=0 rows=100% cols=100%,*>
<FRAME name=Frame_1 src="1.html">
*** Next, create "1.html" with the following code and place it in the same folder:
<!- NOTE! Change the value of [CONTENT] ---------------->
<!- to achieve the desired time interval in seconds. --->
<FRAMESET border=0 frameSpacing=0 frameBorder=0 rows=100% cols=100%,*>
<!- NOTE! Change the URL in [src=""] to your desired address ->
<FRAME name=Frame_1 src="
Read the <!--> comments in the html for "1.html" to change the time interval and the URL address you desire. To run, just open "auto-refresh.html" and let it do its work! So, you would change to value of : CONTENT="60" to however many seconds you need for 5 minutes (in this case it would be 300). And, you would replace: src=
http://google.com to whatever page address you needed. Simple. Just create new pairs of pages as needed, or alter the code, whatever, for each new address to auto-refresh.
Hope that helps!