Drew said:
I recently ran Ad-Aware 6.0 shortly after that my IP
Address would stay normal but I could not connect to the
Internet then when I would repair it would take along time
the it would say could not renew IP then it would switch
to the Automatic Private Address since then I have
restored all the quartined files in Ad-Aware and updated
my Ethernet drivers if anyone has an idea on whats a
matter it would be greatly appreciated.
More information would be helpful.
XP Home or Pro?
What type of Internet connection?
Is a router involved?
Is a third-party firewall program involved?
Have Windows XP critical updates been kept current?
Was this Ad-Aware 6.0 build 181?
Was Ad-Aware updated before the scan?
How many "New Objects" did Ad-Aware find?
It sounds to me that the spyware that was found
had infected your winsock keys in the registry and
left those winsock keys damaged after the spyware
was removed. I suggest that you scan with Ad-Aware
again and quarantine the spyware again.
Now if there is a third-party firewall program installed,
it should be uninstalled before the following procedure
and then reinstalled if this procedure restores the Internet
connection and browsing.
Step 1: Delete registry keys
A)Open Regedit from the Run line
B)Go to both of the following keys, EXPORT each of them, and then delete
(To export a key, you right click on it and choose "export" - you can choose
where to export them to -
DESKTOP is handy -
and you need to type in a file name such as "exported Winsock key" /
"exported WinSock2 key"
and then click on SAVE)
C)Restart the computer
NOTE: It is important to restart the computer after deleting the Winsock
Doing so causes the XP operating system to recreate shell entries for those
keys. If this is not done, the next step does not work correctly.
Step 2: Install TCP/IP on top of itself
Go to Control Panel | Network Connections
A)Open the properties window of the network connection (Local Area
B)Click Install
C)Click Protocol, then Add
D)Click Have Disk
E)Type the path to the \%systemroot%\inf folder (usually C:\Windows\inf) and
click OK
(if you try to click Browse, then browse to the \inf folder,
it may not show up in the list)
F)You should now see "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" in the list of available
protocols. Select it and click OK.
G)Restart the computer
When the computer reboots you will have functional Winsock keys.
If so, then be sure to delete the exported winsock and winsock2 reg files.
(You don't want to accidentally put them back in the registry)