Automatic name check not working



Outlook client has this feature that allows you to type a
name, or even just the first few letters, and the name
resolves a few seconds after you tab out of the field.

When one match is found, the name has a solid underline.

When more than one possible match exist you'll see a red
wavy underline.

When more than one match exists for a name you've used
before, Outlook resolves to the last name used and uses a
green dotted line to alert you that other possibilities

For the case of one of the user here, the name that was
typed in is not being resolved or checked against the GAL
or Contacts at all.

You need to do a manual name check to be able to resolve
the email address.

The user affected will be conducting a training on the
usage of Outlook and this is one of the features that she
will be demonstrating but it's not working even after we
have turned-on this feature already.

We would appreciate any advise on this.


Outlook has two separate and distinct functions, autoresolution and
autocomplete. Autoresolution resolves to a name or names in a contact
folder. Autocomplete info. is stored in a system folder and bears the name
of <profilename>.nk2.

The autocomplete function of Outlook is not obtaining the address
information from your contact folder. It is pulling it from a file known as
an NK2 file.

The only issue is that it may not have the correct name or it is not in the
location that OL is looking for it in.

Here's where you can look for it manually:

Docs and Settings\Your login user name\applications\Microsoft\Outlook.

When you go to that directory, there should now be at least one file with an
extension of NK2.

If you wish to search for this file, start your search dialogue, and select
Advanced Search options to search for Hidden and System files. Next, you
should look in your Documents and Settings folder and search for *.nk2.

Another clever way to find that files is by typing:

%userprofile%\application data\Microsoft\Outlook in your Windows Explorer
address line.

We developed a utility that will let you open it using an editor called
Owtlook found at

Hope this helps!

Randy M.

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