Dear Chip,
thank you very much for your info. I made a little program
for testing.
The code is included. However, I get an error message in
dutch; a free translation says
Cannot find the entrancepoint of DLL settimer in user32
have you any idea whats wrong ?
thank you very much
Public Declare Function settimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd
As Long, ByVal nidevent As Long, ByVal uelapse As Long,
ByVal lptimerfunc As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function killtimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd
As Long, ByVal nidevent As Long) As Long
Public timerid As Long
Public timerseconds As Single
Sub StartTimer()
timerseconds = 10 'how often to "pop"the timer
timerid = settimer(0&, 0&, timerseconds * 1000&,
End Sub
Sub endtimer()
On Error Resume Next
killtimer 0&, timerid
End Sub
Sub Timerproc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal umsg As Long,
ByVal nidevent As Long, ByVal dwtimer As Long)
'the procedure is called by windows. Put your timer
related code here
End Sub