1) For the web don't use PPT, use Flash (SWF) instead
2) What you are trying to do is a called splash page
Make your home page your splash page and set your SWF to link to you real site "home" page when done (also provide a link for user
to skip the intro
- if using FP navigation, your root web would have only 1 page (the splash/home page) and your main site would be in a subweb under
the root web
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
|I want the visitors on my site first checkout a small time based slide show
| on PPT or SWF and at the end have the homepage be automatically accessed. How
| could the same be possible?
| --
| Best Regards,