Automatic insertion of email addresses



When I start typing a To: addressee, Windows Mail provides a list of all
previously used addresses. But some of them (which are not in my address
book) I don't want there any more, as they were used only for testing
purposes when I was having trouble setting up Windows Mail, How can I now
get rid of those 'history' entries that I no longer want?

Gary VanderMolen

This question comes up every few days.
Those are addresses you recently sent to, and they are stored in
a key in the registry.
The more new addresses you send to, the faster the old ones drop off
the remembered list. I think the list holds a maximum of 29 addresses.

Unless you are familiar with editing the registry, I would
advise you to ignore the problem for now.
If you are proficient with registry editing, the pertinent key is:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Recently Used Addresses

Gary VanderMolen

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