Automatic detection of nework folder



I am probably wrong but isn't there someway to make xp's "my network places"
automatically detect ALL the shared folders on a specific network? I find the
way to turn on/off autodetect network PRINTERS but not folder-- At one time
my computer was doing this but I stupidly turned it off (don't ask me HOW I
did it-cause I can't remeber) now I want it back on. Any help?

Steve Winograd [MVP]

ubpc said:
I am probably wrong but isn't there someway to make xp's "my network places"
automatically detect ALL the shared folders on a specific network? I find the
way to turn on/off autodetect network PRINTERS but not folder-- At one time
my computer was doing this but I stupidly turned it off (don't ask me HOW I
did it-cause I can't remeber) now I want it back on. Any help?

Go to My Computer, click Tools > Folder Options > View, and put a
check mark in the box "Automatically search for network folders and

However, in my experience, My Network Places is unreliable. If it
doesn't show a shared folder that you want, click "Add a network
place" and add it manually.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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