On one of my worksheets I have in Col. E Debits, Col.I Credits and in Col.L
the Balance for which I created a calculation formula and when I add an
additional line to make unforeseen entry in between existing ones, to get
the balance of the Dr. and Cr. entries I have to Copy and Paste the
formula. Is there a way that the formula I created to get the balances in
Col.L will be automatically applied once entries have been made in Col. E
and I?
the Balance for which I created a calculation formula and when I add an
additional line to make unforeseen entry in between existing ones, to get
the balance of the Dr. and Cr. entries I have to Copy and Paste the
formula. Is there a way that the formula I created to get the balances in
Col.L will be automatically applied once entries have been made in Col. E
and I?