Can someone suggest which of the do...loop
structures would work best for the following.
I have a big chunk of data that I need to automatically
name into same-sized ranges (i.e. 5 columns by 5000 rows
where i would want to name 100 ranges comprised of 5
columns by 50 rows.) Each range name is named after the
upper-left cell the first 50 lines.
Now given that there are some blank spaces in my table, i
was unable to automate a macro to go until it found a
blank space because it would end the range naming function
too early.
Can someone suggest which of the do...loop
structures would work best for the following.
I have a big chunk of data that I need to automatically
name into same-sized ranges (i.e. 5 columns by 5000 rows
where i would want to name 100 ranges comprised of 5
columns by 50 rows.) Each range name is named after the
upper-left cell the first 50 lines.
Now given that there are some blank spaces in my table, i
was unable to automate a macro to go until it found a
blank space because it would end the range naming function
too early.