Automate Report printout

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Hello, I appreciate your help in advance.
I have 100 people(owners) for whom I send a report on a monthly basis. In
the past, I used to have 100 different queries to pull the 100 different
reports for each owner. Now,I have learned the query parameter and have set
up one form and one query template instead of the 100 queries. My question
is, is there any way I can use the similar concept for Reports, where, If I
click a buttom(of macro or mudule), it will generate all the 100 reports for
those 100 owners. Is there any other way of automating reports printout in
rtf format for all the people in my list of owners.

Thank you so very much.
Why not just GROUP the report by OWNER and run one big report. Create page
breaks, and totlas in your GROUP headers and footers so that each OWNER gets
what appears to be a unique report?
Thank you for your valuable input. However, my process require me to e-mail
these reports along with other two word files to the owner. For which, I am
thinking, I will have to export the access report in Rtf format and mail
merge it with the other two word file. Based on your suggestion, if I group
the report by owner then the file would still be one access report file,
right. would I be able to email each individual report to the owner. Please
Can you inbed the Word document into your report? Or does it need to go as
a separate docuement?
I do not know if I can embade the word file in Access, can I . Please advice
how. Another area where I seek help is, will Access allow to e-mail merge
reports and send it to different users (more than 100).
As you suggested I created this one master report with owner grouping and
now I am trying to number the page so it is based on the groupings and not on
the total number of pages, again, I donot know how. During my research I
found this website help I am
using this and is not working. I have not lost my patient. Please help me.

I now know how to embade the file. Now please help me with the other
remaining questions/request in my earlier post.

Thank you.