Need some help to fill down:
-A- -B- -C- -D-
Account No. Check No. Name Address
123-0001 1234 John Doe 1234 Anywhere USA
1256 Mary Smith 1520 There Street
1298 Harry Soso 1001 Post Street
123-0065 1299 Jack Sprat 480 Queen Avenue
1243 Jill JOnes 512 Harrold Way
This sounds simple because all I need to is fill the
account number down to the bottom of each account entry
and then go on to the next. But, each account has been
500 and 2500 entries before the next account number pops
up and there are approximately 50,000 pages. Can any one
help with a solution?
-A- -B- -C- -D-
Account No. Check No. Name Address
123-0001 1234 John Doe 1234 Anywhere USA
1256 Mary Smith 1520 There Street
1298 Harry Soso 1001 Post Street
123-0065 1299 Jack Sprat 480 Queen Avenue
1243 Jill JOnes 512 Harrold Way
This sounds simple because all I need to is fill the
account number down to the bottom of each account entry
and then go on to the next. But, each account has been
500 and 2500 entries before the next account number pops
up and there are approximately 50,000 pages. Can any one
help with a solution?