Amir said:
It is tediious to manually delete rows that are empty and I was wondering if
there was a way to automatically delete empty rows either by using a function
or creating a macro or if there was any other easier solution.
Thank you.
Found something from John James...
Works great...Thanks John...
If you want to delete blank rows on your datasheet, here's a routine
which does this:
Sub DeleteEmptyRows()
LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 + _
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1
If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete
Next r
End Sub
If your formulae are slowing down your worksheet, then maybe try
getting the same result but without formulae. For instance if you
filter your data on your datasheet, then you'll be able to copy the
filtered range onto another sheet. If this meets your needs, you could
look at attaching this filter & paste process to a macro/button.