Automate adding picture to OLE field?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harmannus
  • Start date Start date



Is there a way to automate adding a picture to a form/table persons with an
OLE object field picture?

E.g. a form that list persons (by lastname) with a button next to it that
lets you browse to a picture file (on you harddisk) after which the picture
is shown as a thumbnail and after selecting the person related to the
picture you can press the save button. I got a link to a picture importer
but that does not do the trick (

I tried a lot of thing but i cannot seem to get it done.

Any pointers are greatly appriciated!

Greetz, Harmannus

P.S. Here a link to a screenshot that gives an idea of what i would like to
I replied to this once already - but to repeat - you
cannot REALISTICALLY use OLE type fields to store images.
They take up enormous space - for example, I added a 600Kb
jpg and it increased the database by 19mbs ! Performace
also susbtantially worsens as objects are added to the db.

The technique for doing what you want is very simple.

You create a table which stores the name and folder/path
of your image files. File and folder names can be bulk
loaded into this table (See Microsoft KB article 158941 on
how to do this)

You then create a form based on the table which has the
person's last name and put an image control on the form.
You then load the image file/folder/path names into the
image control. See MSoft KB article 148463.

You don't need any 'save' buttons.


Thanx (again) for the reply! Now i understand what you mean. I will start to
get it going.

