I have a Windows 2000 Server as a member server joined to
a domain.
I want the server to be resilient; in that if the server
restarts, i want the server to logon and lauch certain
applications automatically upon startup.
I have set the necessary registry keys
under "..\winlogon" to enable auto logon and I have set a
VBS script to run upon startup to launch the
applications. Script contents:
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'wait 180 seconds
WScript.Sleep 180000
'Launch exe and wait 60 seconds
WshShell.Run "C:xxxxx.exe"
WScript.Sleep 60000
'Launch exe and wait 60 seconds
WshShell.Run "C:\xxxxx.exe"
WScript.Sleep 60000
'Launch exe and wait 60 seconds
WshShell.Run "C:\xxxxx.exe"
WScript.Sleep 60000
'Lock workstation
WshShell.Run "rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation"
The script locks the server for security purposes.
.... Getting to the point, this method of autologon fails
because the server will not get past the legal warning
notice unless there is a manual intervention. Is there a
way of removing this notice for this particular server? I
have tried to remove local registry keys for legal
warning notice, but this has not helped - it is obviously
picking this up from the domain.
.... also, Removing the server from the domain is an
unsuitable solution.
The other question is, is this the best angle of
attacking this problem, or is there another way around it?
Please help.
Thanks in advance,
a domain.
I want the server to be resilient; in that if the server
restarts, i want the server to logon and lauch certain
applications automatically upon startup.
I have set the necessary registry keys
under "..\winlogon" to enable auto logon and I have set a
VBS script to run upon startup to launch the
applications. Script contents:
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'wait 180 seconds
WScript.Sleep 180000
'Launch exe and wait 60 seconds
WshShell.Run "C:xxxxx.exe"
WScript.Sleep 60000
'Launch exe and wait 60 seconds
WshShell.Run "C:\xxxxx.exe"
WScript.Sleep 60000
'Launch exe and wait 60 seconds
WshShell.Run "C:\xxxxx.exe"
WScript.Sleep 60000
'Lock workstation
WshShell.Run "rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation"
The script locks the server for security purposes.
.... Getting to the point, this method of autologon fails
because the server will not get past the legal warning
notice unless there is a manual intervention. Is there a
way of removing this notice for this particular server? I
have tried to remove local registry keys for legal
warning notice, but this has not helped - it is obviously
picking this up from the domain.
.... also, Removing the server from the domain is an
unsuitable solution.
The other question is, is this the best angle of
attacking this problem, or is there another way around it?
Please help.
Thanks in advance,