By default, it does. For the first, make sure that you this feature enabled
at Office Button | Word Options | Proofing | AutoCorrect Options |
AutoFormat As You Type. For the rest, make sure you have "Replace as you
type" checked in AutoCorrect Options. If you don't see any AutoCorrect
entries on that tab, it could be that your *.acl file is missing or damaged
or that the language applied to the text at the insertion point is one for
which you have no proofing tools installed.
Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
This morning I got so sick of that ugly short fat arrow made by -->
(Symbol font?) that I went into the AutoCorrect table and replaced it
with the much nicer TNR arrow.
And then _sometimes_ in a table cell, it won't work! And I go back to
the cell after doing something else, and it _does_ work!